
Types in MathNet.Numerics.Interpolation

Type TransformedInterpolation

Namespace MathNet.Numerics.Interpolation

Interfaces IInterpolation

Wraps an interpolation with a transformation of the interpolated values.
Neither differentiation nor integration is supported.


Static Functions


Public Constructors

TransformedInterpolation(IInterpolation interpolation, Func<double, double> transform)

Public Static Functions

TransformedInterpolation Interpolate(Func<double, double> transform, Func<double, double> transformInverse, IEnumerable<double> x, IEnumerable<double> y)

Create a linear spline interpolation from an unsorted set of (x,y) value pairs.

TransformedInterpolation InterpolateInplace(Func<double, double> transform, Func<double, double> transformInverse, Double[] x, Double[] y)

Create a linear spline interpolation from an unsorted set of (x,y) value pairs. WARNING: Works in-place and can thus causes the data array to be reordered and modified.

TransformedInterpolation InterpolateSorted(Func<double, double> transform, Func<double, double> transformInverse, Double[] x, Double[] y)

Create a linear spline interpolation from a set of (x,y) value pairs, sorted ascendingly by x.

Public Methods

bool Equals(object obj)

int GetHashCode()

Type GetType()

double Interpolate(double t)

Interpolate at point t.
double t

Point t to interpolate at.


Interpolated value x(t).

string ToString()