
Types in MathNet.Numerics.Optimization

Type IObjectiveModelEvaluation

Namespace MathNet.Numerics.Optimization



Public Methods

IObjectiveModel CreateNew()

Public Properties

int DegreeOfFreedom get;

Get the degree of freedom.

int FunctionEvaluations get; set;

Get the number of calls to function.

Vector<T> Gradient get;

Get the Gradient vector. G = J'(y - f(x; p))

Matrix<T> Hessian get;

Get the approximated Hessian matrix. H = J'J

bool IsGradientSupported get;

bool IsHessianSupported get;

int JacobianEvaluations get; set;

Get the number of calls to jacobian.

Vector<T> ModelValues get;

Get the y-values of the fitted model that correspond to the independent values.

Vector<T> ObservedY get;

Get the y-values of the observations.

Vector<T> Point get;

Get the values of the parameters.

double Value get;

Get the residual sum of squares.

Matrix<T> Weights get;

Get the values of the weights for the observations.