
Types in MathNet.Numerics.Providers.SparseSolver

Type ManagedSparseSolverProvider

Namespace MathNet.Numerics.Providers.SparseSolver

Interfaces ISparseSolverProvider

The managed sparse solver provider




Public Constructors


Public Methods

bool Equals(object obj)

void FreeResources()

Frees memory buffers, caches and handles allocated in or to the provider. Does not unload the provider itself, it is still usable afterwards.

int GetHashCode()

Type GetType()

void InitializeVerify()

Initialize and verify that the provided is indeed available. If not, fall back to alternatives like the managed provider

bool IsAvailable()

Try to find out whether the provider is available, at least in principle. Verification may still fail if available, but it will certainly fail if unavailable.

DssStatus Solve(DssMatrixStructure matrixStructure, DssMatrixType matrixType, DssSystemType systemType, int rowCount, int columnCount, int nonZerosCount, Int32[] rowPointers, Int32[] columnIndices, Single[] values, int nRhs, Single[] rhs, Single[] solution)

DssStatus Solve(DssMatrixStructure matrixStructure, DssMatrixType matrixType, DssSystemType systemType, int rowCount, int columnCount, int nonZerosCount, Int32[] rowPointers, Int32[] columnIndices, Double[] values, int nRhs, Double[] rhs, Double[] solution)

DssStatus Solve(DssMatrixStructure matrixStructure, DssMatrixType matrixType, DssSystemType systemType, int rowCount, int columnCount, int nonZerosCount, Int32[] rowPointers, Int32[] columnIndices, Complex32[] values, int nRhs, Complex32[] rhs, Complex32[] solution)

DssStatus Solve(DssMatrixStructure matrixStructure, DssMatrixType matrixType, DssSystemType systemType, int rowCount, int columnCount, int nonZerosCount, Int32[] rowPointers, Int32[] columnIndices, Complex[] values, int nRhs, Complex[] rhs, Complex[] solution)

string ToString()

Public Properties

ManagedSparseSolverProvider Instance get;