
Types in MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra

Type MatrixExtensions

Namespace MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra

Static Functions

Public Static Functions

Matrix<T> Imaginary(this Matrix<T> matrix)

Gets a real matrix representing the imaginary parts of a complex matrix.

Matrix<T> Real(this Matrix<T> matrix)

Gets a real matrix representing the real parts of a complex matrix.

Matrix<T> ToComplex(this Matrix<T> matrix)

Converts a matrix to double precision complex numbers.

Matrix<T> ToComplex32(this Matrix<T> matrix)

Converts a matrix to single precision complex numbers.

Matrix<T> ToDouble(this Matrix<T> matrix)

Converts a matrix to double precision.

Matrix<T> ToSingle(this Matrix<T> matrix)

Converts a matrix to single precision.