
Types in MathNet.Numerics.Distributions

Type Logistic

Namespace MathNet.Numerics.Distributions

Interfaces IContinuousDistribution

Continuous Univariate Logistic distribution. For details about this distribution, see.


Static Functions



Public Constructors

Logistic(double mean, double scale, Random randomSource)

Initializes a new instance of the Logistic class with a particular mean and standard deviation. The distribution will be initialized with the default random number generator.
double mean

The mean (μ) of the logistic distribution.

double scale

The scale (s) of the logistic distribution. Range: s > 0.

Random randomSource

The random number generator which is used to draw random samples.

Logistic(Random randomSource)

Initializes a new instance of the Logistic class. This is a logistic distribution with mean 0.0 and scale 1.0. The distribution will be initialized with the default random number generator.
Random randomSource

The random number generator which is used to draw random samples.


Initializes a new instance of the Logistic class. This is a logistic distribution with mean 0.0 and scale 1.0. The distribution will be initialized with the default random number generator.

Logistic(double mean, double scale)

Initializes a new instance of the Logistic class with a particular mean and scale parameter. The distribution will be initialized with the default random number generator.
double mean

The mean (μ) of the logistic distribution.

double scale

The scale (s) of the logistic distribution. Range: s > 0.

Public Static Functions

double CDF(double mean, double scale, double x)

Computes the cumulative distribution (CDF) of the distribution at x, i.e. P(X ≤ x).
MATLAB: normcdf
double mean

The mean (μ) of the logistic distribution.

double scale

The scale (s) of the logistic distribution. Range: s > 0.

double x

The location at which to compute the cumulative distribution function.


the cumulative distribution at location x.

double InvCDF(double mean, double scale, double p)

Computes the inverse of the cumulative distribution function (InvCDF) for the distribution at the given probability. This is also known as the quantile or percent point function.
MATLAB: norminv
double mean

The mean (μ) of the logistic distribution.

double scale

The scale (s) of the logistic distribution. Range: s > 0.

double p

The location at which to compute the inverse cumulative density.


the inverse cumulative density at p.

bool IsValidParameterSet(double mean, double scale)

Tests whether the provided values are valid parameters for this distribution.
double mean

The mean (μ) of the logistic distribution.

double scale

The scale (s) of the logistic distribution. Range: s > 0.

double PDF(double mean, double scale, double x)

Computes the probability density of the distribution (PDF) at x, i.e. ∂P(X ≤ x)/∂x.
double mean

The mean (μ) of the logistic distribution.

double scale

The scale (s) of the logistic distribution. Range: s > 0.

double x

The location at which to compute the density.


the density at x.

double PDFLn(double mean, double scale, double x)

Computes the log probability density of the distribution (lnPDF) at x, i.e. ln(∂P(X ≤ x)/∂x).
double mean

The mean (μ) of the logistic distribution.

double scale

The scale (s) of the logistic distribution. Range: s > 0.

double x

The location at which to compute the density.


the log density at x.

double Sample(Random rnd, double mean, double scale)

Generates a sample from the logistic distribution using the algorithm.
Random rnd

The random number generator to use.

double mean

The mean (μ) of the logistic distribution.

double scale

The scale (s) of the logistic distribution. Range: s > 0.


a sample from the distribution.

double Sample(double mean, double scale)

Generates a sample from the logistic distribution using the algorithm.
double mean

The mean (μ) of the logistic distribution.

double scale

The scale (s) of the logistic distribution. Range: s > 0.


a sample from the distribution.

IEnumerable<double> Samples(Random rnd, double mean, double scale)

Generates a sequence of samples from the logistic distribution using the algorithm.
Random rnd

The random number generator to use.

double mean

The mean (μ) of the logistic distribution.

double scale

The scale (s) of the logistic distribution. Range: s > 0.


a sequence of samples from the distribution.

void Samples(Random rnd, Double[] values, double mean, double scale)

Fills an array with samples generated from the distribution.
Random rnd

The random number generator to use.

Double[] values

The array to fill with the samples.

double mean

The mean (μ) of the logistic distribution.

double scale

The scale (s) of the logistic distribution. Range: s > 0.


a sequence of samples from the distribution.

IEnumerable<double> Samples(double mean, double scale)

Generates a sequence of samples from the logistic distribution using the algorithm.
double mean

The mean (μ) of the logistic distribution.

double scale

The scale (s) of the logistic distribution. Range: s > 0.


a sequence of samples from the distribution.

void Samples(Double[] values, double mean, double scale)

Fills an array with samples generated from the distribution.
Double[] values

The array to fill with the samples.

double mean

The mean (μ) of the logistic distribution.

double scale

The scale (s) of the logistic distribution. Range: s > 0.


a sequence of samples from the distribution.

Logistic WithMeanPrecision(double mean, double precision, Random randomSource)

Constructs a logistic distribution from a mean and precision.
double mean

The mean (μ) of the logistic distribution.

double precision

The precision of the logistic distribution. Range: precision > 0.

Random randomSource

The random number generator which is used to draw random samples. Optional, can be null.


A logistic distribution.

Logistic WithMeanScale(double mean, double scale, Random randomSource)

Constructs a logistic distribution from a mean and scale parameter.
double mean

The mean (μ) of the logistic distribution.

double scale

The scale (s) of the logistic distribution. Range: s > 0.

Random randomSource

The random number generator which is used to draw random samples. Optional, can be null.


a logistic distribution.

Logistic WithMeanStdDev(double mean, double stddev, Random randomSource)

Constructs a logistic distribution from a mean and standard deviation.
double mean

The mean (μ) of the logistic distribution.

double stddev

The standard deviation (σ) of the logistic distribution. Range: σ > 0.

Random randomSource

The random number generator which is used to draw random samples. Optional, can be null.


a logistic distribution.

Logistic WithMeanVariance(double mean, double var, Random randomSource)

Constructs a logistic distribution from a mean and variance.
double mean

The mean (μ) of the logistic distribution.

double var

The variance (σ^2) of the logistic distribution. Range: (σ^2) > 0.

Random randomSource

The random number generator which is used to draw random samples. Optional, can be null.


A logistic distribution.

Public Methods

double CumulativeDistribution(double x)

Computes the cumulative distribution (CDF) of the distribution at x, i.e. P(X ≤ x).
double x

The location at which to compute the cumulative distribution function.


the cumulative distribution at location x.

double Density(double x)

Computes the probability density of the distribution (PDF) at x, i.e. ∂P(X ≤ x)/∂x.
double x

The location at which to compute the density.


the density at x.

double DensityLn(double x)

Computes the log probability density of the distribution (lnPDF) at x, i.e. ln(∂P(X ≤ x)/∂x).
double x

The location at which to compute the log density.


the log density at x.

bool Equals(object obj)

int GetHashCode()

Type GetType()

double InverseCumulativeDistribution(double p)

Computes the inverse of the cumulative distribution function (InvCDF) for the distribution at the given probability. This is also known as the quantile or percent point function.
double p

The location at which to compute the inverse cumulative density.


the inverse cumulative density at p.

double Sample()

Generates a sample from the logistic distribution using the algorithm.

a sample from the distribution.

void Samples(Double[] values)

Fills an array with samples generated from the distribution.

IEnumerable<double> Samples()

Generates a sequence of samples from the logistic distribution using the algorithm.

a sequence of samples from the distribution.

string ToString()

A string representation of the distribution.

a string representation of the distribution.

Public Properties

double Entropy get;

Gets the entropy of the logistic distribution.

double Maximum get;

Gets the maximum of the logistic distribution.

double Mean get;

Gets the mean (μ) of the logistic distribution.

double Median get;

Gets the median of the logistic distribution.

double Minimum get;

Gets the minimum of the logistic distribution.

double Mode get;

Gets the mode of the logistic distribution.

double Precision get;

Gets the precision of the logistic distribution.

Random RandomSource get; set;

Gets the random number generator which is used to draw random samples.

double Scale get;

Gets the scale parameter of the Logistic distribution. Range: s > 0.

double Skewness get;

Gets the skewness of the logistic distribution.

double StdDev get;

Gets the standard deviation (σ) of the logistic distribution. Range: σ > 0.

double Variance get;

Gets the variance of the logistic distribution.