
Types in MathNet.Numerics.Interpolation

Type BulirschStoerRationalInterpolation

Namespace MathNet.Numerics.Interpolation

Interfaces IInterpolation

Rational Interpolation (with poles) using Roland Bulirsch and Josef Stoer's Algorithm.

This algorithm supports neither differentiation nor integration.


Static Functions


Public Constructors

BulirschStoerRationalInterpolation(Double[] x, Double[] y)

Double[] x

Sample Points t, sorted ascendingly.

Double[] y

Sample Values x(t), sorted ascendingly by x.

Public Static Functions

BulirschStoerRationalInterpolation Interpolate(IEnumerable<double> x, IEnumerable<double> y)

Create a Bulirsch-Stoer rational interpolation from an unsorted set of (x,y) value pairs.

BulirschStoerRationalInterpolation InterpolateInplace(Double[] x, Double[] y)

Create a Bulirsch-Stoer rational interpolation from an unsorted set of (x,y) value pairs. WARNING: Works in-place and can thus causes the data array to be reordered.

BulirschStoerRationalInterpolation InterpolateSorted(Double[] x, Double[] y)

Create a Bulirsch-Stoer rational interpolation from a set of (x,y) value pairs, sorted ascendingly by x.

Public Methods

bool Equals(object obj)

int GetHashCode()

Type GetType()

double Interpolate(double t)

Interpolate at point t.
double t

Point t to interpolate at.


Interpolated value x(t).

string ToString()